Junior Class Needs Parent and Student Volunteers at Football Concessions
HS Music Department Big Trip
OHS Bulletin Board
Spartan Logo
Plane Lifting Off
Community Service
Driver's Education
High School Fall Activities - Tryouts - 1st Practice
Olympia Webmail Switchover to Gmail
2016-2017 OHS Mixed Choir
Marching Band Members Perform at HMC
Josh Kindred with State FFA President-Joseph Birrittier
StConvGroup - L-R: Front-Josie Litwiller, Tyler Miller, Bailey Rogers, Molly Schempp, Cavit Schempp. Back-Lane Miller, Lane Schweigert, Dawson Banister, Kaylin Simpson, Dwayne Hancock, Mr. Hoffman
Molly Schempp displays her two state trophies
2018 OHS Honor Roll
Fall Sports Information
Two new graduates show off their diplomas!
Dance Team