The IAR (Illinois Assessment Readiness) exam has replaced the state PARCC Assessment for all 3rd - 5th grade students in Illinois. Our students at ONE will be taking the ELA (English Language Arts) portion on Wednesday, March 20 and Thursday, March 21 (before Spring Break). The Math portion of the test will be taken April 9-11 (after Spring Break). The assessment will be taken in the morning, in the students classroom, and administered by the student's classroom teacher. The test is web-based, and will be taken on a Chromebook. If students are absent on these dates there will be an opportunity for them to make up the assessment on Friday, March 22. For our students to perform their best on this assessment it is important for them to get a good night sleep, eat a full nutritious breakfast, and arrive to school on time. We are proud of the hard work our students have put into their learning this year, and we are confident they will demonstrate high levels of achievement on this exam!
![IAR Assessment](
IAR State Testing
March 18, 2019