A huge congratulations to our two IHSA Wrestling State Placers! Dylan Eimer placed 3rd at 113lbs and Brandon Gaither placed 6th at 106lbs. We're very proud of all your hard work and accomplishments this season.
about 3 hours ago, Josh Collins
Today's Activities
1 day ago, ELLA EVANS
Today's Activities
How Do I Make Sure I Am Invited To Rooms? Each parent needs to have a unique email address or a phone number that is classified as “Cellular” associated with their account. You can add an email address in Skyward Family Access on your own using the My Account menu. If you do not have access to Skyward, please contact your school’s office and they will work with you to update your information. If you do not have an email address in the system, you must have a unique Cellular phone number to receive the invite. If you only have the default "phone" number, it will not pull into Rooms. You need to have a number that is identified as “Cell”. If your default phone number is your cellular phone number, you should repeat it and identify it as “Cell” using the drop down box. See more details on our Rooms FAQ website here: https://www.olympia.org/page/rooms-faq
2 days ago, Olympia CUSD 16
Rooms FAQ
Senior Spotlight!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Congratulations to Nicole from our Transportation Department as she received a dozen cookies from Sprinkled with Love for our "Fresh Cookie Friday" event. Sam from Food Service was also a winner of a dozen delicious cookies. Thank you ladies for all you do for Olympia!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Senior Spotlight!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Senior Spotlight!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Senior Spotlight!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Senior Spotlight!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Senior Spotlight!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Senior Spotlight!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Senior Spotlight!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Senior Spotlight!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
2 days ago, Activities Dept.
If a picture's worth a thousand words, do the words always tell a true story? One way to find out is through a reverse image search. Search with an image instead of a keyword and see what you discover! This process has gotten even easier with tools like Google Lens!
2 days ago, EdTech@Oly
Reverse Image Search
The students in Intro to Education came to the Olympia Transition Program classroom today & made pancakes with their buddy. We had fun adding colors & hanging out with some amazing peers! 🩵🩵🩵
2 days ago, Haley Pack
OTP & Intro to Ed
OTP & Intro to Ed
OTP & Intro to Ed
OTP & Intro to Ed
OTP & Intro to Ed
OTP & Intro to Ed
Senior Spotlight!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Senior Spotlight!
2 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
Today's Activities
2 days ago, ELLA EVANS
Today's Activities
There is still time to join the high school girls track team. Contact coach Randi with any questions! Randi.Krehbiel@olympia.org
3 days ago, Randi Krehbiel
track 25