Coach Hoffman’s Unified P.E. class had a great and challenging experience in the inflatable obstacle course! A special thanks to our National Guard recruiters for giving us this great experience!
over 6 years ago, Anna Troyer
Students with recruiters
Lady Spartans start the season off with a 59 to 52 win over Tri Valley at the Clinton Tourney.
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
Freshman Fun Night is this Friday November 16th from 6-8PM. All Olympia High School Freshman are welcome to attend. This FREE event includes open gym, video gaming and inflatable obstacle course.
over 6 years ago, Brandi Cooper
Here is the link to our Veterans Day Assembly if any one wants to view beginning at 8:30 AM
over 6 years ago, ED JODLOWSKI
Veterans Day
Olympia Speech took 4th place as a team at our first meet. We took first through third in Varsity DDA, first in JV DDA, and First in Varsity HI. Congrats speeches!
over 6 years ago, Lyndi Mallers
Speech team with their awards at Normal West
Start of the boys cross country state championship
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
The start if the girls cross country championship.
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
OHS Student Council hosted a Cenois District of Student Councils workshop today. We had a great time building our leadership skills. #OlySpartanPride
over 6 years ago, Brandi Cooper
Cenois District of Student Councils workshop
Key Club is sponsoring a clothing drive for the Olympia District schools beginning Nov. 5 and ending Nov. 16. They need clothing of all sizes 3T through adult. They are in most need of pants including leggings, sweat pants, jeans, and track pants. The clothing may be new or gently used. There will be a collection box in the high school office.#OlySpartanPride
over 6 years ago, Connie Schroeder
Spartan Bowlers had a spooktacular practice at Minier Lanes on Halloween! A big thanks to Danny Brown for hosting our team for 7 years!
over 6 years ago, Anna Troyer
Spartan bowlers at Minier Lanes
Get ready for Trivia Night February 2, 2019 at the Danvers Township building. Get you team in before the tables fill up! We are currently accepting reservations. $200 per table of 8 players. A fun night to support the OHS After Prom. Hope to see you there!
over 6 years ago, Angie Davis
Trivia Night 2-2-19
Congrats to sophomore cross country runner Savanah Beavers for being an individual medalist at the IHSA sectional meet at Elmwood on Saturday. Savanah placed 10th out of 138 runners.
over 6 years ago, David Stine
Savanah Beavers takes 10th place at the IHSA sectional meet at Elmwood on Saturday
National Honor Society is hosting Haunted Halls this Sunday, Oct 28th from 1-3 PM. Children Pre-K through 5th grade invited! Free admission with accepted donations for local charities. NEW! Spooky Hallway added!
over 6 years ago, Lisa Steve
Haunted Halls
As we approach the General Election, don't forget that there's a ton of info available on my OHS teacher page..feel free to check it out and be an educated voter. (Your Olympia son or daughter can tell you how to get to the page!!!!!)
over 6 years ago, Mike Haak
election button
2018-2019 Yearbooks are on sale at OHS - please see this link for more information Please play this video for your advisory students on Wednesday, and yearbook staffers will be around to distribute yearbook order forms to your kiddos:
over 6 years ago, ED JODLOWSKI
Volleyball wins in 2 over Canton in the Macomb Regional. Will face Quincy Notre Dame tomorrow at 5:30pm in Macomb at the Washington St. Gym.
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
Tonight's regional volleyball match is at the Washington Street Gym in Macomb not at Macomb High School
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
Special congrats to the following top-10 finishers at the Farmington Regional XC meet today. Payton Wille(9th), Savanah Beavers(5th), Logan Wheeler(8th), & Jon Neville(6th)!
over 6 years ago, David Stine
Savanah Beavers 5th place at Farmington XC Regional
Congrats to both XC teams for advancing to the sectional meet next Saturday. The gals finished second place and the guys were Regional Champs at Farmington today.
over 6 years ago, David Stine
XC guys were Regional Champs at Farmington
There seems to be some confusion on tonight's football game times. The JV game against IVC will be tomorrow at 1:00pm at IVC. The varsity game at IVC tonight will start at 7:00pm.
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN