Reminder OHS will have a late start on Wednesday, March 21st 2018.
almost 7 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16
Reminder that there will be no student attendance tomorrow, Friday, March 9th due to a Teachers' Institute Day.
about 7 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16
Reminder Wednesday, January 24th is an OHS late start day.
about 7 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16
Wearing blue at the District office in support of World Autism Awareness Day tomorrow. #LIUB
over 7 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16
This morning deputies from several departments in McLean County were at Olympia doing their annual safety search with their K-9 units. There was no safety threat at the school as this was a scheduled event. We appreciate the support of our local police agencies that keep Olympia safe.
over 7 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16
James and the Giant Peach inspired homecoming proposal! Written in John Deere green, of course! ♥️
over 7 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16
Olympia hosts Jr. High XC meet.
over 7 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16
Boys cross country competition begins
Students need to return the permission slip and $2 to ride on the fan bus. Download form with this link:
over 7 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16